DATA-COPE Newsletter #3 - STATS-DC
Hello DATA-COPE members,
DATA-COPE has been quiet lately, but a lot has been happening behind the scenes. In the past several months I've had the opportunity to meet with several of you individually, as has co-founder DJ Cratty. We've heard a lot of great feedback about what direction to take DATA-COPE and what kind of activities/products would be most beneficial to members.
Importantly, this spring I completed my PhD in Political Science at UW-Madison, which means I'll have some more time and energy to put into DATA-COPE after scaling back to focus on my dissertation.
So look forward to seeing a lot of new things on the DATA-COPE homepage, member forums, and updates from members like yourselves.
STATS-DC has always been important to DATA-COPE, it was at STATS-DC that the initial idea of DATA-COPE was born. It presents an annual opportunity to meet with many of you and have longer discussions away from the office about the issues faced by analysts in education agencies. This year, we'd like to coordinate a get together of interested members on Thursday evening after the sessions end. So, if you want to meet up with your fellow DATA-COPErs and talk about your work and hear a little update from myself and DJ, drop by:
What: DATA-COPE Social Hour
Where: Marriott Wardman Park Lobby Bar
When: Thursday, July 9th, 6pm-7pm
Hope to see you there!
Member Forums Updates
Last year at STATS-DC we launched the new website and announced the coming of the member forums. Many of you have used the member forums over the past nine months, and we're so grateful for your thoughtful contributions and discussions. And we're grateful to the many of you who have been reading silently and have thanked us for the work. I promise to put a lot more content up on the member forums in the coming month including discussions of using regression models as descriptive statistics, building trust and reputation within your organization, and advice on recruiting and retaining analysts. I am eager to discuss these and other topics with all of you.
Getting in Touch
Do you have something you'd like to announce to the DATA-COPE community? Are you recruiting for an analysis job? Are you interested in sharing the story of your successful project? Get in touch on the member forums (, or contact myself or DJ directly. We'd love to hear from you.
Yours in data,
Jared Knowles